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Become Status Corrected.
Establish Your Vendor Prosperity Account...

Join the Global 528 Prosperity Vendor Network

CLAIM YOUR SPOT On the Land & Soil.
This is your Prosperity Venue.

Please note that we have listed 73 Industries that are associated to 23 Industry Groups defined by the GUCC standard system for classification. These categories may change over time. We encourage you to fill out everything as complete as you can because this is your marketing platform. As time moves on, we will be expanding this for more effective exposure and prosperity.

Knowing that you are unincorporated on the Land and Soil and that it is your right to freely exchange your goods and services with the world is a cherished value. This is the place to extend your intrinsic value and resonate in harmony with nature.

GUCC Chart

What Happens Next?

[ Step 1
Status Correction is Necessary

Our Federal Subcontractors have proliferated and promoted their citizenship(s) as separate political statuses, and have created False Registrations as Territorial U.S. Citizens and as Municipal citizens of the United States in our names without our knowledge or consent. When you correct your status, you return to the Land & Soil, your birthright and place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You now have the right to exchange your goods and services as an unincorporated business. 

Note: You will establish 2 different accounts.
Status Correction establishes your Personal Global Prosperity Account.
Your Global Unincorporated Business Account will be established
when you SIGN UP as a Vendor/Merchant.

After Status Correcton...Vendor Signup

This is the link to establish your unincorporated business account on the land and soil.
All unincorporated business accounts on the Land & Soil are based on free trade with all nations.

Vendor Signup-2025
Vendor Sign Up Form

[ Step 2 ]
Next, sign-up to establish your Vendor Business Listing Profile.
You have 2 paths:

1) You will RECEIVE an email that will PROVIDE the Business Listing link
to establish your business on the Land and Soil Directory!

2) You have a tab/link inside your Vendor account that will take
you to the page/form to establish your listing(s) on the Land & Soil.

Please note:  You can only have one listing per business,
but you may have multiple business listings for different companies.

Vendor Account-List Your Biz

[ Step 3 ]
Choose your category.

After the Vendor Sign Up, and you choose to establish your business listing,
You first need to choose an appropriate category for your business. As an example, if you are a ministry,
you may select the category labeled Professional Services.

Please Note: The Business Industry Category list is extensive. We have provided a linear list as seen above for your reference. You may also use the Search function on the form when you click on the Business Industry Category drop-down menu list.

bus ind category-use search-t

Additonal Note: You will need to have a business featured image.
Please ensure it meets the following dimensions below.
A [ your-image.jpg ] (also known a JPEG) format is preferred.

[Step 4]
After submitting the form above,
you will receive a notification regarding your listing approval.

Once your business information is approved,
your listing will appear on the Land & Soil Business Directory.
Welcome to unincorporated Freedom & Prosperity!

The End...but actually the beginning!